Let’s Keep Active and Healthy !
For many years, low back pain has been recognized as one of the most common causes of work disability and accounts for a large proportion of worker’s compensation cost.
In Malaysia, the prevalence of low back pain was found to be 12%, and it was rated as the 9th and 5th most common complaint in public and private primary health care clinics respectively. Low back pain may present as back pain alone or back pain associated with leg pain (sciatica).
Low Back Pain is highest among office workers. Improper posture, being overweight, or sitting in the same position for long periods of time can increase the risk of getting Low Back Pain. Realized the higher incident among office workers, we Alpro Physio Ipoh conducted health talk among Prudential agency team members.
We educate them how Low Back Pain can occur for them to understand the pathophysiology behind it. We also educate them the correct posture when sitting, standing, lying and lifting heavy object. Simple stretching exercise also been taught for them to keep active and healthy.
Introducing our Alpro Physio Ipoh Branch.

Asking agency team the basic question about back pain.

Educate the team members the pathophysiology of the
back pain.