Get to Know Us a Bit Better
Since opening our doors to patients back in 2017, Alpro-Physio has been a leading PhysioTherapy Clinic for patients in the Seremban area with a team of specialist physiotherapists, occupational therapists, sports massage therapists and sports trainers. In addition to providing home base therapy, talks, workshops and corporate workplace health consultancy work. We manage the health of your body’s bones, muscles and other components of the body’s musculoskeletal system, that provides form, stability, and movement to the human body. We differentiate ourselves by not simply seeing the problem through possible solutions, but rather with understanding your condition first. This is called clinical or differential diagnosis.
The Alpro-Physio Therapy group consists of several divisions or areas of focus specialising in different areas of the musculoskeletal system. Our patients come from all over the country, the surrounding region. So why do more people choose Alpro-Physio than any other private centres in Seremban?
Multi-Speciality Setting
We recognised the need for a group of people with different specialities to come together. Modern medicine today is no longer works best in siloed environments. Conditions are often complicated that are caused by multiple factors and affect multiple areas of the human body.
Complicated conditions are best treated in a multi-speciality setting. It allows your Attending Therapist to consult his or her colleagues more widely and present you a more comprehensive range of treatments possible.
Differential Diagnosis
You often notice that something is wrong when you feel pain. Pain is a symptom and an important signal that something is not quite right. However, it is not the cause of the problem. That is why at Alpro-Physio our first step is to determine the cause of the problem and to peel back the layers of interlocking causes.
At Alpro-Physio, we approach each case with no pre-conceived ideas on what the problems are. Musculoskeletal conditions are often complex in nature; usually with more than one cause interacting at many different levels. Our ability to treat patients better and faster is first and foremost dependent on our ability for effective differential diagnosis. Differential diagnosis is the systematic method healthcare used to identify the disease causing a patient’s symptoms.
One-on-One Treatment Setting
At Alpro-Physio, each patient has their own unique appointments slot. We do not “overbook” patients at any time slots. This means that each time is treated in an unhurried manner during their appointed times and is attended by a single attending physiotherapist.

Come Visit
Monday - Sunday: 9am - 7pm
Public Holiday: Closed