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Pain Wise Training by Ph. Joyce (Australia)

Malarvely a/p Kannan

Alpro physio center has completed our first in-house training on pain management. Last week, we were proud to have Ph. Joyce, the founder of Pain Wise programme at Gold Coast,Australia to share her knowledge and experience in pain management. It was an inspiring training to explore us to new concept to treat chronic pain. Our team will definitely apply the knowledge into our daily practice.

Our physio team will continue to improve ourselves to provide better treatment and service to our patients.

#PainDoesn'tAlwaysMeansHarm #HoldsOnPainEnds

大专物理治疗中心很荣幸邀请到药剂师JOYCE来为我们们讲解关于疼痛的知识和分享她的临床经验。 这一次的特训让我们对于疼痛有了更深入的认知,这对我们治疗病人时会有莫大的帮助。




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