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Kuantan Community Service part 3


Alpro Physio Kuantan team once again has been conduct two community services at Pusat Jagaan Rumah Orang Tua Gabungan Tionghua, Kuantan and Mega Melodies Nursing Home, Kuantan. Physiotherapists has been conduct the group exercises with some simple exercises including stretching, mobility and also simple Tai chi. They all really had fun together and enjoy every exercises that we conducted. We end up our sessions with some photo and smile.

Self-education was taught in order to gain stronger muscle, improved posture and good blood circulation. Thus, our goal is actually to educate elderly people on importance of exercise in daily activities. Besides that building healthy bond among them is also considered as major part of the activity. Based on our observation, majority elderly peoples suffer from depression, psychological problem and health problem due to their past history. It has been quite challenging to engage with such people that has made ourselves more enthusiasm.

We had notice there is lack of exposure on exercises among the elderly in Kuantan. We aim to reach the exercise awareness among the society with our existence for better lifestyle.


关丹大专物理治疗团队再一次拜访了当地的老人院。 和往常一样我们和老人家们分享了运动的重要性和教导了他们一些简单运动。为了增加运动的多元化, 这一次物理治疗师们也教导老人们一些简单的太极动作, 老人们对于太极显现出极大的兴趣。 负责人表示, 老人们平常的互动非常有限。 但今天在运动的过程中 , 老人们的互动非常良好, 欢笑声也非常之多。 根据治疗师们的观察, 大多数老人院的老人们都有心情低落或忧郁症的问题。 要和这些老人们建立良好的关系是治疗师们的一大挑战 , 在看到老人们脸上的笑容和活动结束后老人们的依依不舍, 让治疗师们感到非常的温暖和感动。

治疗师们也发现到关丹的老人家们缺乏对运动的知识。 这也是我们大专物理治疗师们想要努力改变的状况, 我们会继续努力在关丹宣传正确运动的重要性, 好让关丹居民能有更健康的生活。




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