"Hands That Help Are Holier Than Lips That Pray" & "Service To Mankind Is Service To God".
Another community service by our ALPRO PHYSIO SEREMBAN 2 Physiotherapist Malar and Eelin to Madam Yap Nursing Home at Starlight Park Seremban. This home was established by Madam Yap since year 2011. Currently there are 34 residents and most of them are females. There will be a visit by Government Hospital Doctor monthly to this home and a private Doctor will give a visit 2 times a week. So far there are no any Physiotherapy services to this home, only the staff will be doing some morning exercises with the residents. Most of the residents are retiree, elderly, stroke cases and even Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA) victim’s. As usual we start to gather them and do some simple exercises with them. They really enjoyed the precious time we were there and compliance to us. Madam Sim, a retired staff nurse who is doing some voluntary work over there request us to come back if possible to have some time with the residents. We ended up the session with a group photo and warm smile.