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Alpro physio community services at Rahang area (Weng Da Old Folk’s Home)


Alpro physio had visited Weng Da Old Folk’s Home for our weekly community service routine.

Weng Da Old Folk’s Home was established by Miss Liew (Manager) since 2001. There are 40 residents over the home and 18 of them are actually homeless. According to the manager, they are aware of the physiotherapy service needs, yet they cannot afford to provide the service to the elderlies due to inadequate funds. They were glad that, Alpro physio provided them the services they need.

As usual, our physiotherapist had given a simple talk regarding “The importance of exercise among elderlies” and conducted some simple exercises for them to perform it as daily regime to enhance their quality of life. We also provided some physiotherapy assessment and treatment to the bed ridden or disabilities one. In the meantime, we met a fracture elderly which experience motor vehicle accident on December 2017. Unfortunately, this incident cause her multiple fracture and also lost her husband. Due to multiple fractures on her entire body, she desperately needs physiotherapy treatment to optimize her quality of life. Our physiotherapist had assessed her and tailored treatment according to her needs.

We hope we can constantly provide community services by understanding their needs and contribute to the community more.

Last but not least, Miss Liew also claimed that currently Weng Da Old Folk’s Home is still high depending on external donations to run their operations. For those who interested to make any donations, please do not hesitate to contact Miss Liew (019-3628717).





和以往一样,治疗师 为老人们讲解了运动的重要性和教导老人们一些简单的健康操。 除此之外,治疗师也为一些长期卧床和有特殊情况的老人们做检查并为他们提供治疗。在这里我们遇见了一位妇女,她和她的丈夫很不幸的在2017年11月遇到了车祸,那场车祸导致那位妇女遭遇了多处骨折而她的丈夫不幸的在车祸中丧失了生命。妇女目前居住在永达安老院, 因为骨折的关系她的行动受到了影响,非常需要物理治疗来帮助她恢复行动能力。治疗师为她做了评估和治疗并教导了一些可以帮助妇人恢复活动能力的运动。


刘小姐表示目前安老院仍需靠外来的捐助来维持运作。若想要捐助的善心人士,可联络永达安老院负责人刘小姐 (+60193628717).



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