What is Post-Pregnancy Diastasis Recti?
At the third trimester of your pregnancy, the growing uterus will push your abdominal muscles and separating them, this is known as “Diastasis recti”.
When the abdominal muscles move aside like this, the uterus, bowels, and other organs have only a thin band of connective tissue in front to hold them in place. Without the needed muscle support, a vaginal delivery could be more difficult.
The condition also can cause lower back pain, constipation, and urine leaking. It can even make it harder to breathe and to move normally. It's rare, but in extreme cases, the tissue may tear, and organs may poke out of the opening -- that’s called a hernia.

How to self-check for Diastasis Recti?

Lay down on your back with knees bent. Relax abdominal muscles, rest your head in one arm while putting index and middle finger of another arm on your abdominal.

Next, bent your body up and down to get feel of how the muscles work. You are looking for the ridge between the muscles and measure the gap using your muscles. The normal range should be within 2 fingers. If the gap is greater than 3 fingers, you might need a physiotherapist for assessment and help you to strengthen up your abdominal muscles.
In order to return to pre-pregnancy body shape, lots of mama will straight away carry out abs workout without consulting any professional medical advice. But inappropriate workout may increase the severity of Diastasis Recti. Therefore before you start your workout, kindly seek advice from your physiotherapist.