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A Day in Old Folks Home

Hui Ling

Our physiotherapist’s Hui Ling and Malar had visited Pusat Jagaan Warga Tua Parameswary, Seremban for community service.

This old folk’s home is started in year 2000 and currently there are 37 residents including some disability elderlies who need physiotherapy services. However, according to madam Selvamani (person in-charge) there’s no any physiotherapy services held in the old folk’s home so far. We ALPRO PHYSIO are proud to move forward and give our physiotherapy services to them. Our physiotherapist’s had given talk regarding “The importance of exercise among elderlies” and conducted some basic exercises for them to perform it as daily regime to enhance their quality of life.

We always keep in touch with the local community, understanding their needs and contribute back to the society.

今日,我们的物理治疗师慧龄和玛拉微妮在Pusat Jagaan Warga Tua Parameswary进行社区服务。

这一间老人院成立于2000年, 目前有37位爷爷奶奶,其中不乏需要物理治疗的老人们。 负责人Madam Selvamani 表示, 到目前为止,老人们并未曾接受过任何的物理治疗。 我们大专物理治疗很自豪能够成为第一个向他们提供物理治疗服务的中心。我们的物理治疗师们为老人们讲解了“老年人运动的重要性”进行了谈话,并进行了一些普通的运动,使之成为日常的治疗方法,以提高他们的生活质量。




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